The International Conference, Moscow, the Column Hall of the House of Unions March 30-31, 2006.
In late March 2006, the International Conference for Health of Russian peoples and struggle against drug terrorism was held. This conference was initiated by the Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for healthy living standards, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of Bakulev Center of Cardiovascular Surgery L.A.Bokeria.

Heads and leading experts of the U.S. and European associations for treatment and prophylactics of opium dependence, representatives of the World Committee for Drug Control of UN, Agency for Combating Narcotics of the Ministry of Justice of the Unites States,U.N. Head Office for Combating Narcotics and Crimes in Russia and Belarus arrived and participated actively in the conference being invited by L.A.Bokeria.

The range of countries represented at the conference is quite wide: Russia, USA, Canada, Italy, Great Britain, China, etc.

Office of UN Department for Drugs and Crimes in Russian and Belarus was represented by F.Mirella. And Non-governmental Council for National Security of Russia – Chairman of Non-governmental Council for National Security of Russia A.Ognivcev.
It was stated at the conference that Russia has put a great contribution into the struggle against drug terrorism in 2005: 138 tons of narcotic means were arrested; U.S. and Afghan specialists managed to seize 142 tons of hashish, 42.5 tons of opium and 5.5 tons of heroin; this is the greatest contribution of the Great Powers in human protection from narcotic aggression in 2005.Russian and American scientists carried out a great deal of work in treatment of drug sufferers, and positive results were obtained.

This was stated at the conference by N.N.Ivanets (Professor, Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the National Research Center of Narcology” of the Ministry of Health and Social Growth, Moscow) and Professor I.Maremani (Italy). This joint work was presented and approved by scientists.

Public and political unit of the conference was headed by Mrs. V.N.Ivanova (Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation) and Mrs. T.B.Dmitrieva (member of the World Committee for Drug Control of UN). The Federal Drug Control Department of Russia was represented by First Deputy of its Director, Colonel-General V.A.Fedorov, the Ministry of the Interior of Russia was represented by Major-General V.Yu.Golubovskiy.
The conference was held mostly thanks to the great efforts by L.A.Bokeria, a prominent figure of scientific thought in the field of cardiovascular diseases, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
The conference was supported by the Head of the Office of President of the Russian Federation A.P.Sobyanin.
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